Wiktor Koźmiński's NMR group

Biological and Chemical Research Centre, University of Warsaw

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New Article in Angewandte Chemie


Non‐Stationary Complementary Non‐Uniform Sampling (NOSCO NUS) for Fast Acquisition of Serial 2D NMR Titration Data

Javier A. Romero,  Ewa K. Nawrocka, Alexandra Shchukina, Francisco J. Blanco, Tammo Diercks, Krzysztof Kazimierczuk

anie202009479 toc 0001 m

NMR spectroscopy offers unique benefits for ligand binding studies on isotopically labelled target proteins. These benefits include atomic resolution, direct distinction of binding sites and modes, a lowest detectable affinity limit, and function independent setup. Yet, retracing protein signal assignments from apo to holo states to derive exact dissociation constants and chemical shift perturbation amplitudes (for ligand docking and structure‐based optimization) requires lengthy titration series of 2D heteronuclear correlation spectra at variable ligand concentration that may exceed the protein's lifetime and available spectrometer time. We present a novel method to overcome this critical limitation, based on non‐stationary complementary non‐uniform sampling (NOSCO NUS) combined with a robust particle swarm optimization algorithm. We illustrate its potential in two challenging studies with very distinct protein sizes and binding affinities, showing that NOSCO NUS can reduce measurement times by an order of magnitude to make such highly informative NMR titration studies more broadly feasible.



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